Use Our Built-In Automated Checks and Help Resources

We’ve designed the NutriCalc application to be as user-friendly as possible, but should you ever need a little bit of help, in addition to the option of getting in touch with us, there are several support functions built-in to the software to assist you along the way 24/7.

Auto-Checks Function

For your peace of mind, our exclusive, intelligent built-in checks – identified as a Yellow triangle containing the ! – help to catch any mistakes made during the calculation process and highlight erroneous supplier data before it costs your business money and vital reputation (example below).
Screenshot of error messages

They also guide you step-by-step through vital ingredient allergen checks and labelling (example below).

Allergens 2 - NutriCalc

Help and Support Function


Our built-in, searchable Help and Support function provides step-by-step guidance – often featuring software screen shots and tutorial videos – on frequently asked questions relating to all software topics (example below).

Built in Help and Support

In addition, wherever you see the Help and Support symbol (?) next to a feature name, by clicking on the (?) symbol you can conveniently open a Help page directly related to that feature – providing the relevant assistance at the point when you need it.

 Furthermore, by hovering over an Information symbol (i) alongside the Help and Support symbol (?), you will be provided with an explanation of the feature (symbol examples below).
Information Hovers

      For example, when hovering over the Information (i) symbol in the top right corner of the Cook Loss feature box as shown above, a Pink Information box appears as shown below.

Pink Hover

Get in touch

Please use the form below to get in touch with us and one of our team will respond as soon as possible:

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