Data Files

NutriCalc contains comprehensive data files of more than 12,000 ingredients, including unique resources compiled by our expert team.

Food industry professionals choose NutriCalc nutrition calculation software for our reputation for delivering data of unrivalled accuracy and quality.

With more than 25 years’ experience, NutriCalc understands how important it is for the data you take from different files to be consistent and compatible. Our expert team adjusts and recalculates values where necessary, saving you time and stress.

NutriCalc nutrition calculation software is continuously updated online so you can be confident you are working with the latest values.

The software comes with comprehensive in-built support, and if you have any queries or problems with searches or calculations, our team are on hand to advise.

When you choose NutriCalc you have access to these comprehensive data sources:


Also known as CoFids or the UK Nutrient Databank, these files form the basis of NutriCalc nutrition calculation software, adjusted by NutriCalc in line with EU 1169/2011 legislation.


Our expert team at NutriCalc has recalculated values in the USA’s official government ingredients file where necessary, to ensure they are compatible with UK data when used in our nutrition software.


NutriCalc has compiled and maintains a unique, copyrighted list of supplementary ingredients used by food industry professionals, such as manufacturing aids and E-numbers.


NutriCalc allows you to enter your own data for variable or unusual ingredients. The My Ingredients file is almost limitless in size and features a check function that helps reduce operator error and highlights missing areas and data that appear to be wrong.


This file is available for Professional Plus and Premium plan subscribers and contains definitions for meat species, cuts and visual:lean ratios, plus data on excess fat and connective tissue values for use when compiling Quantitative Ingredient Declarations (QUID).

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