
If you can’t find the answer you’re looking for in our Troubleshooting guide, please get in touch with us via one of our Support options.

If you’ve tried 3 times or more to enter incorrect login details, you will be locked out of the account for 15 minutes as a security measure.

All accounts must hold a live payment card on account. Although there may be nothing to pay, you’ll need to update your payment method please.

There are a couple of things to check here: Ensure that you select ‘save’ after creating the invitation otherwise these won’t be sent. Also it’s worth checking that the email address of the recipient is accurate.

This is usually due to sharing login details. You can avoid this by purchasing a seat for each team member. You’ll then be able to share the account data successfully.

If you only have a single seat on your team, you will need to contact us on: to enable this switch. If you have multiple users, you’ll need to ask an admin member to remove you and re-invite you using your new email address.

It’s best to keep searches brief/limited to 3 characters for each word i.e. ‘sug whi’ will find white sugar. This avoids issues with spellings and plurals like Yoghurt, strawberries etc. For variable products it is good practise to enter the nutrients for the ingredient into the database as a ‘new ingredient’ from the ingredient centre. Chocolate, seasonings and stock are a good example of these.

NutriCalc runs checks on the data entries to help keep you on track. These are not always appropriate however; in the vast majority of cases it is good practise to follow the suggestions. If in doubt, please reach out to the support team for assistance.

Yes, you can do this in the ‘My preferences’ area of your account.

This is because there is some missing information for one or more ingredients and is in place as a final check. Please use the guide at the top of the ingredient declaration report to find the ingredients and complete the information.


Our very comprehensive and illustrated Help and Support documentation is always available from the ‘Help and Support’ area of your subscription or via the Help and Support symbol (?) next to a feature name. In addition, you can access our YouTube videos.

This can happen when you have added a seat or upgraded during your subscription and the pro-rated amount on the outstanding time has been added to the next invoice and then also includes the new amount moving forwards. The invoices within the subscription can be ignored if your company pay by bank transfer. Please call if this doesn’t apply to you.

Cancellations can only be executed by us after receiving a written request by the account holder using the email address held on account.

If the ingredient is one we supply, it will be that there is no official data for volume available. If it’s an ingredient you’ve entered yourself, you may have missed adding the specified measure to the ingredient when you added it in. You can go back and pop it in at a later date if you wish.

Get in touch

Please use the form below to get in touch with us and one of our team will respond as soon as possible:

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